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Tag : Professional Photographer

Wedding Photographer Orlando

Wedding Photographer Orlando

Wedding Photographer Orlando Wedding Photographer Orlando the perfect selection for a beautiful memory. A special moment to share with the whole family the definitive union of a love. Loves in life are few, and the perfect ones come to the altar before the eyes of God. This is how this beautiful couple thinks that they have known how to face all the obstacles of life. More about us: Today a year ago, we happily remember this unforgettable event. Splurge of […]

Graduation Photoshoot Orlando

Graduation Photoshoot Orlando [pp_gallery id=”106806″]The pandemic has left 2020 graduates in their caps and gowns longing for graduation. We want to help you not to miss the occasion with some beautiful photos of graduates. We take photographs in the photo studio and outdoors, call us for details.

Vestidos de Quinceanera

Vestidos de Quinceanera Vestidos de Quinceanera la correcta eleccion en estos tiempos se nos hace mas dificil por la gran variedad de imagenes que aparecen en internet. Todas las jovenes buscan en internet para tener una idea de los modelos que se usan actualmente y de cuales se asemeja mucho mas con el estilo sonado para lucir el dia tan esperado, LA FIESTA!!! Otras chicas no tienen concebido las fiestas por miles de razones personales o familaires, y no quieren […]

Quinceanera at St. John Vianney Catholic Church Orlando

Quinceanera at St. John Vianney Catholic Church Orlando

Every day our young women visit the house of God and today our princess attended St. John Vianney Orlando Catholic Church. Receiving the word and the blessing of the almighty is a goal for every Christian family. That is why finding a Quinceañera in St. John Vianney Orlando Catholic Church is very frequent these days. Many young people choose to exalt their steps along the path of good: “the path of God.” Each ceremony takes place under songs and readings, […]

Renewal of marriage Photographer

Renewal of marriage vows Photographer

Renewal of marriage Photographer The renewal of vows for a married couple is a very important moment of reaffirmation for a couple. This moment of celebration of love for a married couple, unfolds as a special celebration . Therefore, it is usually held on an important anniversary (tenth, twentieth, fiftieth, etc.) Sometimes this great celebration is held when a couple has gone through a difficult time, and wants to reaffirm their commitment. Many ask why does it refer to votes. […]